A force to be reckoned with – Otto and Astrid are Berlin’s Prince and Princess of art rock. This pop-comedy musician duo (from Melbourne) combine hilarious banter with epic rock songs under the pseudonym Die Roten Punkte (The Red Dots).
“Punk Rock meets Eurovision” with these two dysfunctional siblings who are just like chalk and cheese. When they clash sparks fly and they deliver performances of epic proportions – just ask their audiences at Edinburgh and Sydney Fringe, Glastonbury, and International Comedy festivals throughout Australia.
Image Credit: Photography by Christine FiedlerFRIDAY 18 APRIL
Esplanade Park Pitch: 3.00pm
National Hotel Pitch: 4:00pm
Sail and Anchor Pitch: 7.30pm
SUNDAY 20 APRILSail and Anchor Pitch: 3.00pm
National Hotel Pitch: 6.00pm
MONDAY 21 APRILSail and Anchor Pitch: 1.00pm
National Hotel Pitch: 4:00pm
The City of Fremantle acknowledges the Whadjuk people as the Traditional Owners of the Fremantle/Walyalup area and we recognise their cultural and heritage beliefs are still important today.